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  1. Charges for Shipping and return of items on loan to be paid by the vendor unless other prior arrangements made.
  2. We may open or dismantle certain items for inspection, evaluation and analysis.
  3. We may publish photographs, diagrams or descriptions of product internals and operation.
  4. Ideally, Product/Service should be production models in the form of that a paying customer would receive full retail sales pack with complete documentation and accessories, rather than pre-production or engineering sample. We realise this is not always possible and glady accept pre-production or engineering samples for review, however while pre-production items will receive same quality coverage we will include clear and visible notices of the production status of the product/service that will appear in our content coverage.
  5. Benchmarking and Performance evaluation of Pre-production items is at NitroWare’s discretion. We may publish a 'First Look' style of editorial which covers look, feel and function of a product but not its final performance
  6. Review turnaround time may vary. Lead times may be between several weeks to months.
  7. If no notice is provided by a client or sponsor that a review item is not required to be returned, at our discretion we may privately or publicly donate or sell review products after the negotiated content is published. NFR (Not for Resale) samples should be indicated as such in writing
  8. Our preference is to retain review items for future re-evaluation and comparison with competitive or successive products or historical content. We assume and retain ownership of items and reserve to right to on-sell items unless otherwise specifically in writing.