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Web Browsing and HTML5 benchmarks

Peacekeeper is a web browsing/rendering benchmark developed by Futuremark however it relies on HTML5 fearture set which not all browsers support equally. Given margin of error Haswell performs the same regardless of the GPU.

Our Sandy Bridge test was based on the previous version of Peacekeeper.

WebVizBench is a favourite of Microsoft as it renders a rich multimedia experience in HTML5, specifically an online music gallery. 3D performance matters here.

However with Sun spider, Integrated graphics gives us a better result as the 2D performance is faster than an add-in-card. IN 2d mode, large GPUs run in lower power states at much reduced clocks speeds.

Futuremark Peacekeeper, WebVizBench, Sunspider

Microsoft offers a number of rich HTML benchmarks through its IE test-drive portal for IE9 and now IE10, however the mix varies annually which can make comparisons difficult.

The Paintball test hat was infamous during 2011 and 2012 is gone but the fish bowl tests remain.

HTML5 Fishbowl renders the most fish possible, combination of all performance aspects.

FishIE Tank measures the frame rate achieved when rendering 1000 fish in a different type of fish tank, HD Graphics 4000 shows half the performance here again.

Galactic is a 3D representation of the solar system and is largely GPU oriented.

Fishbowl, FishIE, Galactic